Breaking news
We have chosen one piece of news each one and we have to analyze it and make a reflection about it.

All flowering plants need to
be pollinated to produce seeds and to survive. This is why bees need to pollinate
them. Pollination, as you know, is essential for the reproduction of plants. In
addition, these plants, in turn, serve as food for livestock and in addition,
for our own food. This is why, if the bees disappeared, the plants would
disappear with them. An example is that when bees do not pollinate a plant it
dies or bears bad fruit.
A big disappearance of bees
has occurred and this is due to the loss of their natural habitat, climate
change (which implies an increase in temperature, floods and droughts), and
poor agricultural practices (such as the use of fumigators).
We have to be aware that if
the bees disappear, the plants would disappear, with them, the animals would
disappear, and with them, we will disappear too. Therefore, we have to take
care of bees and environment.
How can we help? It is very
easy, we can: plant different flowers on the balcony or window, not use
insecticides, and most importantly, we have to lose our fear of them and not
kill them, because the last thing bees are looking for is to sting you,
otherwise they will die.
This is the link of the power point presentation:
I attach the second attempt:
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