Analysing headlines

Hello! In this post I am going to analyse two different current news headlines from two different online newspapers: CNN and Fox News. I have taken the same piece of news from these two different newspapers and I have realised that each newspaper has written a different headline. 

News headline in CNN online newspaper:


News headline in Fox News online newspaper:


As you can see, it talks about the same piece of information but explained in different ways. It is very important to choose well the headline of a piece of news because it determines how many people will read a piece, particularly in this era of social media. In addition, a headline changes the way people read an article and the way they remember it. 

The main difference between these two headlines is the language used by the journalists. In my opinion, in the first one they want to emphasize the crime committed by the celebrity while in the second one journalist focus on the number of infractions assigned. Personally, I find most appealing the first headline because I can find more information about the piece of news, I can know why she is guilty. Futhermore, with this headline I want to continue reading the news to know what really happened and the reason that led the celebrity to this situation.

In conclusion, if we want to get well informed we should read different piece of news headlines from different newspapers. It happens because each newspaper has a different ideology so they will write the piece of news depending on their beliefs.


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